Lemon Yellow food Coloring - Artistes (Les)

Lemon Yellow food Coloring 10 g

39,00 € / 100 g

Out of stock


This Lemon Yellow food Coloring agent of the brand : Les Artistes will enable you to color your preparations (macaroons, pastas, pastillages, creams, cupcakes, sweets, etc.).

This food coloring agent gives a nice lemon yellow color to your preparation, without changing its taste or perfume.


Ultra-concentrated water-soluble food coloring powder E102.


Ile-de-France, France


Artistes (Les)


The food coloring powders and the flavors Les Artistes are made in France and are conform to the latest laws and rules of this very controlled sector. Thanks to these powders and flavors, you will be able to let your imagination guide you when you will want to bake macaroons, cakes, or anything that will cross your mind.

Shelf life information

Contrairement aux autres produits présents sur edélices.com, les colorants alimentaires Les Artistes ont la particularité de mentionner une DLUO (date limite d'utilisation optimale) plutôt variable. Nous vous garantissons toutefois que les colorants que vous recevrez de notre part n'auront jamais une DLUO inférieure à 90 jours.

cook with talent

Because of the very high concentration of this food coloring agent, add one knife tip of coloring powder for one liter of preparation, or ½ a coffee spoon (2 grams) for 1 Kilo. You can adjust the coloring powder quantity depending on the intensity that you are seeking.

In a liquid paste, add directly the food coloring agent.

In a thicker paste, or in sugar paste, dilute the product in a small quantity of water, before incorporating it. Work on the preparation in order to let the coloring agent penetrate it.