Fourme d'Ambert La Memee - Edélices Fromagerie

Fourme d'Ambert La Memee 250 g

20,80 € / kg

Out of stock


La Fourme d'Ambert is fabricated with cow's milkrennet, veined, not pressed, uncooked, fermented and salted. The crust is dry, light gray, it may have white mold, yellow and red and bluish reflections. Advanced salt and bitterness are accepted. Fine flavour, fragrant, delicate. Moderately typed.


cheese designation of origin since 1972. It is in the mountains of Livradois-Forez and in the Puys range that the Fourme d’Ambert was born. The story goes that the druids already knew it. Made from cow's milk it is refined in cellars for at least one month after being pocked to allow the Blue mold to grow.


cow milk raw, animal rennet, lactic ferments, salt.


Auvergne, France


Edélices Fromagerie


With our experience and keen to introduce high quality products, we have selected cheese makers passionate about their craft and reputable chefs. Produced by mixing expertise and tradition, cheeses from sheep, goat and cow that we offer are of a superior quality and a unique taste.

Shelf life information

Fourme d'Ambert, La Mémée, Auvergne, cheese , Laqueuille

cook with talent

If you like this cheese ,we advise you to also try the Bleu Sassenages or the Roquefort Carles.